Hosting Websites with  Containers:

Hosting Websites with Containers:

Project Details:

The objective of this project is to set up a Dockerized web hosting environment on AWS using Nginx.

A separate EC2 instance is created for running a Docker container that hosts the website using a Docker image containing Nginx.

Step-1 Launch an EC2 instance and install docker into it.

sudo apt-get install

Step-2 Create a web hosting block and also copy the content of the Website into it.

Create a directory and add website into it :

sudo su -
mkdir website
cd website

Step-3 Create a Dockerfile to host this website using nginx :

At first, create a file name Dockerfile:

vi Dockerfile

Step-4 Run the docker file create an image and then create a container from the image:

docker build -t website .

verify it with :

docker images

Step-5 Create a container from this docker image.

docker container run -d --name website2 -p 8001:8001 website:latest

Now again create an image of this container and then push it to DockerHub.

docker commit <container_name> <image name>

Step-9 Push this image on the Docker hub:

docker login

Give a tag to this image and push the Docker image to Docker Hub using the docker push command.

docker tag <image_name> <username/<image_name>:latest

docker push <username/<image_name>:latest

Now verify it with your docker hub account:

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