A list of Linux commands commonly used in DevOps along with detailed descriptions for each command. These commands are essential for managing and maintaining systems, automating tasks, and deploying applications in a DevOps environment. Let's get started:
Folders / Directory
mkdir <folder name> : Create single folder
mkdir <folder name> <folder name> : Create multiple folders
mkdir -p <folder 1>/<folder 2>/<folder 3> : Create nested folders
mkdir <folder name>{starting-range..ending-range}
ex. mkdir day-{1..5} : Create multiple numbers of folders at once
cd <folder name> : Change directory
cd ~ : [username] goes to another user’s home directory.
cd .. : moves one directory up.
cd- : move to your previous directory.
pwd : Check present working directory (current working folder)
touch <file name> : Create single file
cat > <file name> : Create single file
touch <file name> <file name> : Create multiple files
touch <file name>{starting-range..ending-range} :Create multiple numbers of files at once
ex. touch day-{1..5}
cat <file name> : View what’s in the file
cat filename1 filename2 > filename3 : Merge 2 files and store data in one
diff [options] <file 1> <file 2>:Find the difference between two files
-c displays the difference between two files in a context form.
-u displays the output without redundant information.
-i make the diff command case in sensitive
List out Files & Folders
ls : List out folders and files
ls -la : List out all the files and folders including hidden with file permissions
ls -ltr : List out all the files and folders with file permissions
ls -R : Lists all the files in the subdirectories
Print on screen
echo “<to be print>” : Print
Date and Time
date : Current date and time
Clear Screen
clear : Clear the screen
ctrl + L (windows): Make current line at the top of the screen without removing data
cmd + L (mac)
Copy and Paste
cp <option> <source location> <destination location> : Copy file and paste |
cp <option> <source-location>* <destination location>: Copy all data starting with specific word/character |
cp -r <source location> <destination location>: Copy folder having data |
rm <option> <source location> <destination location>: Remove the file and directory
-r for recursive (used for folders)
-v verbose
-f for forcefully
Move and Rename
mv <source location> <destination location> : Move the file or folder
mv <old name > <new name> : Rename the file or folder
history [options] : Commands you have run till now
-c clears the complete history list.
-d offset deletes the history entry at the OFFSET position.
-a appends history lines
Super User
sudo su : Be a Super User
sudo <command> : Run command with super user ability
User Management
sudo useradd <option> <username> : create a user account
-m to make a directory for the user
sudo passwd <username> : Set password to a user account
su <username> : Switch User Account
exit : Logout from a user account
sudo userdel <username> : Delete user account
sudo usermod -l <new_name> <old_name> : Change user account name
whoami : Current username
Group Management
groupadd [name]: Add group account |
grep [group name] /etc/group : Group property
grep [group name] /etc/group: Group property |
grep [group name] /etc/gshadow :Group admin property
groupdel [groupname] : Delete group
gpasswd [options] [username] [groupname]:Add and Remove members
-a add single member
-M add multiple members
-d remove member
gpasswd -A [usename] [groupname]: make group admin
Edit file
vim <file name>: Vim editor
nano <file name>: Nano editor
Change File Permission
chmod <permission> <file name>: Change file permission
u (Owner) - Permissions used for the owner of the file.
g (Group) - Permissions used by members of the group.
o (Other) - Permissions used by all other users.
r (read) – permit to read the file.
w (write) – permit to write the file.
x(execute) –permit to execute the file.
Change File Owner
chown [option] owner[:group] file(s): Change the file owner
Change Group Owner
sudo chgrp <group name> <file name>: change the group owner
Shell Scripting
#!/bin/bash - GNU Bourne-Again Shell :Identify interpreter (first line for script)
#!/bin/sh - The Bourne Shell
#!/bin/csh - The C Shell
#!/bin/ksh -The Korn Shell
read <variable name>: Read input value
./file.sh : Run file
bash file.sh:Run file
Package manager
sudo apt-get install <package Name> -y : Install package
sudo apt-get update : Update packages
sudo apt-get upgrade -y : Upgrade packages
Manage tools
sudo systemctl status <tool name>: Check status of tool
sudo systemctl start <toolname>: Start Tools
sudo systemctl stop <toolname>: Stop tools
sudo systemctl enable <toolname>: Auto enable tools
AWK (prints files data with programming)
awk [pattern] {action}: Print
$0 - entire line
$1, $2, $3 … - for each column (if exists)
NR - number of records (lines)
NF-number of fields(columns in the current line)
ex. awk '{print $0}' file.sh
Find (find directory)
find [option] [path] [expression] : Find the directory
find /temp -size -10M: Search the file with less than 10 MB
find /temp -size 10M: Search the file with 10 MB
find /temp -size +10M: Search the file with more than 10 MB
Grep (prints specific word in file)
grep [option] [expression] <file name> <file name> … : Find a word in a file(s)
-i = intensive (case sensitive)
-r = recursively
-v = invert string match
-l = display the file names that match the string
-L = display the file names that do not contain the string
-n =match line with number
^=display the lines that start with a string
grep [expression] <source file> > <destination file>: Search and redirect output in a new file
Disk space
df [options] [file]: To display disk space usage
-h Human readable
-m displays usage in MBs.
-k displays usage in KBs.
-T show the file system type in a new column
File Size
du -h [file path]: show file size in human-readable format
Show IP
ifconfig: Show ip address
ip addr: Show ip address
ip a: Show ip address
systemctl [option] [service name]
status – display status
enable - permanently on
disable - permanently off
start - start the service
stop - to stop
restart - to restart
e.g : systemctlstatussshd